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t r a n s m i s s i o n

The transmission of psychoanalysis has become increasingly important to members' individual formations. To this end, we hope to stage public events that foster mutually  fruitful engagement with our broader community (both psychoanalytic and psychoanalysis-adjacent) on questions fundamental both to psychoanalysis and society.


We have found in working together that the more we can speak with an element of free association—that is, from the position of analysands—the more clinical theory and practice have come alive in particular ways for each of us. Our events will aim to sustain this spirit, which will entail experiment and wager in event structure and format.


Though we are a group of Lacan-oriented clinicians, our events welcome all psychoanalytic practitioners who are interested, whether coming from within or outside of psychoanalytic institutes. Our project is not a commentary on the value of the institute. We feel strongly that all who pursue analytic formation must choose the context and structures that suit them. Rather, we hope our events will serve as a supplementary space, perhaps necessary, where participants can reflect, work, and play with the themes and questions that animate not only our psychoanalytic practices, but also our lives as subjects in the world.

©2023  group for independent formation             

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